Anyway, I signed up on the 4th of December to this new phone. It was free on a $49 cap. I thought it was ok value. The thing that really sold it to me was that you get $50 credit if you buy online AND on the same page it says that if you are a 3 customer you also get 1/2 price on your cap for the first three months.
Screen shots from their website are at the bottom.
Now i've received my first bill. Here is a screenshot:
The first line is the new phone. they charged me $8.05 from the 5th of December to the 9th of December.
The second line is my current phone. It used to be on a $29 cap, but i've recently upped it.
The third line is my current phone and current plan.
(i've blurred out my name and number)
Now i've called their customer service department and said that there is obviously a mistake and that they have not included the half price.
I called yesterday and after explaining everything to the customer service person she was vague, put me on hold for long periods of time saying "do you mind if I put you on hold for a minute while i check something" and said (lied?) that her computer was not working and could she call me back? Obviously this was in the too hard basket for her. I said - ok. Of course, no call.
So I called again today and spoke to someone (I didn't get his name) who told me that I got the $50 credit - but don't get the 1/2 price. I explained it was still on their website, talked him through where to find it. Then he claimed he couldn't see the offer on the website! He just plain lied that where the offer was, on his screen it was just blank!
Then (again after several long periods on hold) he said that the deal was only started 3 days ago!!! I explained - this is the reason I signed up for the phone in the first place - it has been on their website for a lot longer than 3 days because I noticed it months ago when I was looking at phones.
So I asked to speak to his manager. He said "certainly i'll connect you" put me on hold for ages. Then came back and said "you are not eligible for the 1/2 price plan because you got the $50 plan" I said - I would like to speak to your manager. So (ages on hold) puts me through to someone called:
Sunila Namviar
Interaction ID: 59269714
Customer Care Department Manager
Who claimed to be the manager of their customer care department and said the same thing as the guy before. Except this time the deal only started "2 days ago"
So I asked to speak to her manager. She put me on hold for ages. Then came back on the line and said that she is the manager. I said I want to speak to the person she is responsible to. Again, on hold for ages - she came back on the line and gave me a different name (it was clearly the same person) I said what is your job title and she just said "I am the manager"
Have a look on their website.
Check out the offer. (This is the exact phone I bought)
Three are such a rip off - I can't believe how frustrating their customer service department is.
I'm sending this blog link to The Consumerist (great website!) and some friends at trading standards.
UPDATE: So after kicking up a stink yesterday (Thanks Reddit!) I had a phone call from the Customer Relations department based in Brisbane this morning. This guy was awesome and what you would expect from a business that does business in Australia.
They have more than made up for my frustration and offered to do the half price for the duration of the contract!! More than the three months that I signed up for, but i'll wait until the next problem with 3 to decide if it's still worth it.
If I had spoken to this guy in the first place, i'm sure my problem would have been sorted out!
Great blog man!
Come to think of it, I never got my 50 dollars free credit when I resigned on my contract. I've also had to put up with there customer support service or lack thereof. I figured it's not worth pursuing for 50 bucks, I get the feeling this happens everyday to everybody. And we seem or are powerless to stop it.
Wish you all the best.
This has been almost my exact experience with Three. My issues have always been resolved, but after many wasted hours (If I put a $ value on my time I would prob have been better of not calling). It has always seemed the marketing tactic was to make the promise, get the customer on a contract and then make them fight for what they were promised via Indian call center customer service reps.
Good Luck
How did you get the Australian Three guy to contact you? Wouldn't have the number would you? :)
I just called up and asked why my account wasn't credited with 50 dollars when I re-newed my contract and they said that the 3 months 1/2 price is only available for mobile broadband which is a load of bullshit.
Honestly I don't know a single person who has had a good experience with Three.
After another failed attempt to get my credit applied from three yesterday and being lied too, I ended up hanging up on them, and calling the telecommunications ombudsman (First time I've ever done something like that). They were extremely helpful, I told them the problem then was given a complaint number, and a high level three customer support ph#. Called the number spoke to someone in Australia and my problem was sorted out within 10 minutes, and the credit $125 was applied instantly.
I'm very pleased with the outcome.
I live in the UK and it is the same over here, Three are possibly the worst company in the world, I purchased a mobile 5 weeks ago and after several reconditioned units, being told by sales that reconditioned is the same as brand new, 7 false promises, lies, more lies, I have been offered compensation - £20 - which I have very politely refused, bottom and shove it was mentioned. I am expecting my refund on Tuesday, why do we have to wait for 3 all the time.
I have tracked down the MD of this company and neither himself nor any of the directors will talk to me, very strange for a communications company, even stranger in customer services they cannot email or telephone people who contact them, and they claim to be a communications expert.
I will let you decide on that.
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